This project was born from a fascination with faces. Unface examines the function of our faces as a social tool in the present day in relation to technology, and explores the make-up of self-identity in the digital age. The face seems destined for the sculpture, for the image of its commemoration; it is the most essential, mysterious, and esoteric element of the human being. Its appearance is the quiet precedent to all humanities achievements as social creatures – the ‘roadway between men’ says Kōbō Abe. Today this roadway though has become an extensive network of superhighways: our faces curated, formulated, and rendered at once through the internet’s hyper-image flow. Unface questions the implications of such a network. Should we return to the old roadway? In the information age, perhaps it is privacy, and the right to be unseen, that’s more essential to sustaining intimacy and connection. What would we make of a world in which humankind is absolutely free from the possibility of being seen? And do we have the capacity to even imagine what such a world would look like?

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